Be part of the team!

1. “Marketplace – supporter” (Cafeteria):

mid day 3.8.2017 – afternoon 8.8.2017. Help during the eating times in the cafeteria, serving food, cooking tea, etc. Alltogether you work 10-12 hours. You pay 80 Euro less for the whole Festival. Contact:

If you want to be contacted in case that our waiting list was not long enough and a place becomes available please send an email with “helper on call” as subject.

2. “Background – supporter” Kitchen:

mid day 3.8.2017 – afternoon 8.8.2017. Help in Kitchen, cutting vegetables etc., cleaning, take care in the building etc…Alltogether you work 10-12 hours. You pay 80 Euro less for the whole Festival including classes, food, and sleeping hall. Contact:

If you want to be contacted in case that our waiting list was not long enough and a place becomes available please send an email with “helper on call” as subject.

3. Driver:

If you can come to the festival with your own car, you can apply for the driver job: morning mid day 2.8.2017 – afternoon 8.8.2017, you are doing driving and shopping during the festival. We need you on the 2.8. morning for picking up material and also in the end on 10.8 to bring it back. During the festival you do some shopping.

All together you work 10-12 hours. You pay 80 Euro less for the whole Festival including classes, food, and sleeping in your own tent. Contact:


As a helper you pay 80 Euro less for the festival and commit yourself to 10-12 hours of work during the six days Festival. For every job in the crew, you have to register on this homepage, you have to contact the coordinator of the resort and you have to pay full helper fee in advance. This payment is not refundable!

We always have a long waiting list for the helper jobs and want be sure that the people who reserve the helper places really come to the festival and that we have enough helpers.

Welcome to the team!!!